Could your self-esteem be even higher?
You might be the person who most of the time feels pretty good about yourself. You’re making it into the office on time, drinking your cold-pressed juices from Squeeze, even finding time to do a bit of yoga, yet you still have days where you feel down on yourself. Maybe today you experienced a situation where you know you were completely capable of doing something,
but then that old self-doubt crept in. Maybe it was a feeling or that negative voice in the back of your mind. Rationally, you know this shouldn’t be a big deal, but your confidence is shaken, maybe even shot.
Having low self-confidence can make life difficult, for some even painful.
Fear and self-doubt can cause us to miss wonderful opportunities or create negative behaviors as we try to soothe the pain.
So, how do you begin to step out of this low self-confidence loop?
Be True to Yourself – In my opinion, this is one of the most, if not the most important lesson you can learn. Staying true to yourself means understanding who you are, as well as listening to your body and acknowledging what you truly need. It is the ability to be comfortable in your own skin, to not worry about being judged. When you learn how to be true to yourself, that nagging inner voice goes quiet and you become more confident.
Find what you love – Life becomes so much more enjoyable when you follow your joy. It doesn’t matter if it’s a hobby, volunteering, or learning something new. You may notice an increased sense of confidence as you worry less about mistakes, instead focusing on having fun, building new skills, and even making new friends on the way. Not sure where to start? is a great resource for finding new things to do, no matter what your interests.
Keep Going – Sometimes life is difficult, and your brain’s negativity bias can make it easier to fall into a rut of negative thinking and self-doubt when it seems like life just isn’t cutting you a break. The truth is that learning how to overcome gives you an opportunity to change and grow.
Hypnotherapy is a proven way to relax, let go, and find new and creative ways to transform your thinking.
If you are ready to boost your confidence and create greater self-esteem, call 727.488.8546 to book your free consultation.