Create Successful New Year’s Resolutions for 2016

Create Successful New Year’s Resolutions for 2016. My guide for making resolutions you can stick to!Create a new mindset

‘Our actions are all that separate our daydreams from our goals’ –Roy H. Williams

It is easy to get caught up in the ‘Someday I’ll’ or ‘When I have time I’m going to’.  Now is the time to put your plan into action. The easiest way to start is by making realistic, very specific, and measurable goals. If your goal is just to lose some weight how will you know when you’ve achieved that? When you get really specific such as “I’m going to lose 25 lbs by April 1st” you will have a much greater chance for success because your mind has something it is constantly working on and a deadline to keep on task.

‘Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out’Robert Collier

Have you ever gone out and paid for that gym membership or even gotten a personal trainer with all the best intentions to turn up Every Single Day. New year new you right? We start with good intentions but its hard turning up every day. Your body is sore, maybe you don’t want to miss a night out. Before you know it it’s been two months, maybe three since you’ve been. If you aren’t in the habit of doing something on a regular basis it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and give up. Try starting with smaller goals that are easier to reach – like taking a 20 minute walk 3 days a week – and work your way up. Research suggests it takes at least 21 days, sometimes longer to form a new habit. Start small with something that will stick!

‘Imagination is more important than knowledge’Albert Einstein

Visualization is one of the most powerful things you can do to help achieve goals and resolutions. Think about what you really want. If it is quitting smoking, take a moment to see yourself as a non-smoker, whatever that means to you. Imagine just how good it would feel to wake up every day with clear, healthy lungs. Use your imagination to visualize your goals. It has a powerful effect on subconscious. Send that message to yourself to motivate and help you reach your goals

Wishing you peace, love, health, and abundance in 2016 – Michelle Butler | Butler Hypnotherapy

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