Feeling overwhelmed by stress and anxiety is a very personal experience. In the past, when I had a lot of stress and anxiety in my day-to-day life, my stomach was always a mess. Occasionally I would even have mini panic attacks. I’ll never forget the first time it happened. I was on a business trip […]
Tag: calm
How to handle stress with self-hypnosis
How many times when you’ve been stressed has someone told you to ‘just calm down’ or ‘be more positive’? Anyone who follows me on Twitter or Instagram knows I love my inspirational quotes, but when you are truly feeling stressed out, it’s important to recognize it and take action. Stress has a way of clouding […]
Find Your Calm
When clients come to see me it can be for just about any reason. Sometimes I think I’ve heard everything – that is until the next person walks in the door. But there is one thing my clients have in common. No matter what the issue, ultimately every person wants to feel calmer and more […]
3 Easy Steps for Surviving the Holidays
The holidays are a time for peace, joy and love. For relaxing with your family. Creating wonderful memories of magical gifts and delicious meals. Everything perfect right??! Maybe not exactly. It is easy to fall into the trap of expectations and the desire to have the ‘perfect’ Christmas. The reality of shopping, crazy relatives, running […]
New Year’s Resolutions
Only One More Month To Go! The holiday season is just beginning, but with 2016 right around the corner it’s not too early to start thinking about your New Year’s resolutions. Think about how good it would feel to be calm and relaxed even if someone mentions politics and the mashed potatoes start to fly […]