Category: Blog

Avoid Holiday Stress

There’s an expectation that the holidays are a time for fun and joy, perfect gifts and family harmony.  But for so many of us, this time of year can be really difficult.   The overeating, overspending, the not so comfortable family relationships.  It can be a time of real stress and sometimes loneliness. How would it […]

Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is here again and with it holiday stress.  Between the work that goes into getting ready, all the way through to your crazy relative shouting about politics at the table, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed. It’s no wonder so many of us throw back the cocktails and overeat pie.  Despite the […]

Free 30 Minute Session

Random Acts of Mindfulness | Sept 21st- 29th Anxiety and stress from Irma can feel overwhelming.  Worries about the damage, being without electricity, loss of income, even having to leave your home can affect your calm You deserve to free your mind from the storm so you can move on with life.

Joy and Happiness as a Way of Life

People who know me know that I have spent a lot of time traveling and living overseas.  There’s almost nothing I love more than being in a new place where everything is different.  It is definitely not always easy, but it gives you a perspective you can’t really get in a 9-5 life. One of […]

Let go of shame

Have you ever felt bad about being you? For a time when I was a kid, I would have given just about anything to have been someone else.  I didn’t like way I looked, was painfully shy, and never seemed to fit in.  That time of my life was wrapped up in shame. Shame is […]

Easy steps to turn down anxiety

We all experience anxiety and stress. Worry can center on relationships, money, health, work, or even things we have absolutely no control over. Those times can feel very overwhelming.   Wouldn’t it be nice to have a few simple things you could do to turn down that response, letting your heart slow down and your body […]

30 Minute Mini Lunch Reset

Short on time?  Try a 30 Minute Mini Lunch Reset. Chose from: Find Your Calm- Train your mind to relax.   This rapid session is designed to help you tap into that calm inner detachment. Abundance Mindset-  Reset your beliefs around success and money.  Reach Your Goals – Shift your thoughts and beliefs towards success and […]