Tag: christmas

Just Say No to Jingle Belly

Did you wake up this morning feeling like Santa gave you the gift of his gut? Jingle belly is that not-so-wonderful part of the year.  Nobody likes the heavy, bloated, uncomfortable feeling that comes with overindulging.  Most people put on 75% of their annual weight gain over the holidays. 

Avoid Holiday Stress

There’s an expectation that the holidays are a time for fun and joy, perfect gifts and family harmony.  But for so many of us, this time of year can be really difficult.   The overeating, overspending, the not so comfortable family relationships.  It can be a time of real stress and sometimes loneliness. How would it […]

How to Enjoy a Happy & Healthy Holiday

  Who hasn’t overstuffed themselves during the Holidays? No matter how good you are at eating sensibly it can feel downright impossible this time of year with all of the parties and social gatherings.  Add an irritating relative and giant bottle of wine, and all of a sudden that cheese platter or mountain of cookies […]

3 Easy Steps for Surviving the Holidays

The holidays are a time for peace, joy and love. For relaxing with your family. Creating wonderful memories of magical gifts and delicious meals. Everything perfect right??! Maybe not exactly. It is easy to fall into the trap of expectations and the desire to have the ‘perfect’ Christmas. The reality of shopping, crazy relatives, running […]