I used to have severe anxiety. Back then when it was out of control, my number one strategy was to push people away. Anxiety sucks, but anxiety coupled with loneliness is even worse. The truth is that the more you think about anxiety and loneliness the more anxious and lonely you are going to feel. […]
Tag: gratitude
Avoid Holiday Stress
There’s an expectation that the holidays are a time for fun and joy, perfect gifts and family harmony. But for so many of us, this time of year can be really difficult. The overeating, overspending, the not so comfortable family relationships. It can be a time of real stress and sometimes loneliness. How would it […]
Gratitude- How it affects you and why it’s so important
With 100,000+ hits on YouTube at last check, you may have already seen this adorable video of the little girl who is given a paperclip as a gift. Beyond being seriously cute (almost as cute as the little girl that rules my house with glitter and tutus) it has a beautiful message about gratitude. It […]
Find Your Calm
When clients come to see me it can be for just about any reason. Sometimes I think I’ve heard everything – that is until the next person walks in the door. But there is one thing my clients have in common. No matter what the issue, ultimately every person wants to feel calmer and more […]